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There are fragrances that take us back and there are fragrances that propel us forward.We may not be fully aware that certain fragrances take us to a “time and place” that came and went; while there are other fragrances that take us to a “time and place” that is yet to come.Fragrances possess the power to remind us of who we used to be and who we are now.  A less common notion is that of fragrances that can draw us in the direction of the ‘I’ we wish to become. A familiar fragrance often triggers known experiences, known feelings, known persons. A personally tailored unfamiliar fragrance acts in the same way but in an opposite direction by opening us up to new experiences, new feelings and new encounters. A fragrance can be used to move us between our todays and our yesterdays at times when we are stuck, yet need to look back in order to move forward unto new horizons. Fragrances can aid us to move within the vastness of our inner world.  We can move in any direction to meet the needs of each moment: moving left and right, in and out, up and down and round and round.  Damaris Nightingale is a Perfumer Alchemist who has been applying her knowledge of alchemy (the transmutation from one state of being to another); of natural perfumery and of the sciences of aromatherapy and olfaction.She uses her skills and abilities to design a personal fragrance totally suited to your constitution.

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Fragrance is about you

Fragrance is about you

Fragrance is really about how you feel. There have been many times that clients have asked me to create a fragrance that has such and such an effect upon another person. What I always explain is that it’s the way that you feel that changes your tone your vibration that has the effect on others. In a lot of ways our education and socialization has taught us to look Outside of ourselves for all her answers for a validation for our sense of identity. What do you

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Artemisia Annua Could Be a Promising COVID-19 Treatment

Artemisia Annua Could Be a Promising COVID-19 Treatment

The world came to a halt in December 2019 after the emergence of the Corona Virus, which was later declared to be a pandemic. Two years in, and we are still struggling with emerging variants of this virus. Scientists and researchers are still searching for a potent anti-coronavirus therapy for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type-2 (SARS-CoV-2).  Why is there a need for more trials for drugs against the treatment of Covid-19? Most existing antiviral and immune-boosting medications are clearly unpromising and useless for the treatment of coronavirus-infected individuals, while the safety of a few treatments/vaccines that have shown great promise remains unknown. With daily reports of confirmed infectious cases all over the world, it’s critical to stress the need for repurposed therapeutics for viral infection management based on a validated ethnomedicinal base of well-known active medicines with traceable biochemical, pharmacological, and safety profiles. Artemisia annua, the breakthrough in the treatment against Covid? More effective treatments are aimed at preventing COVID-19’s potentially lethal impacts. Natural products and phytomedicines are being investigated as potential therapeutic or preventative treatments against COVID-19 because of their favorable safety profiles. Sweet wormwood, or Artemisia annua, is a resilient and prolific plant that contains a strong component that could become a new therapeutic weapon in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the current study.  How efficient is Artemisia Annua against Covid? What does research suggest?  This study’s hypothesis is that adding agents like Artemisia annua and camostat, which inhibit viral entry or replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, will reduce the rate of a composite outcome of hospitalization due to COVID-19 pneumonia or oxygen therapy, be free of additional moderate to severe toxicities, and improve viral clearance at Day 14 in high-risk individuals. The key hypothesis is that introducing COVID-19 as an early intervention after diagnosis will enhance clinical outcomes in COVID-19-infected patients at higher risk of poor outcomes following infection as compared to the standard of care. What is in the making? The clinical trial in the United Kingdom is limited to high-risk patients at home and in hospitals who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who have COVID-19 symptoms but have not progressed to the point of requiring intensive care unit treatment. COVID-19 patients who want to participate in the experiment will be randomly allocated to one of four therapy groups, one of which will include Artemisia annua. Of course, clinical trials are needed to determine the actual value of these molecules as potential COVID-19 treatments. Nonetheless, as we start phase I/II clinical trials, the results of this research project are relatively positive.

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SNEAKY DEHYDRATION You could be dehydrated and not know it Dehydration can range from mild to severe and it affects the homeostasis of your body. Dehydration can be recognized many times because it could be accompanied by thirst that is not relieved by drinking water. This can be caused by medications, too much caffeine, salt, garlic, or soy sauce, excessive alcohol, dry climate, and high altitudes. Certain medications like Metformin can also be implicated. THE DANGERS OF DEHYDRATION At times, you only need to make sure you’ve had sufficient water intake. If you know you have had sufficient water and you are still feeling thirsty, you may be suffering from some form of dehydration. Dehydration can be dangerous and can lead to a heart attack, cause you to pass out, and could even cause death. An article by Consumer Reports published in the Washington Post on August 13, 2017, states, “A lack of sufficient fluid in the body can temporarily cause confusion and put you at risk for falls. When severe, dehydration can lead to a rapid or irregular heart rate, low blood pressure, fainting, and even death. ’How much water you have affects every body system,’ says Jodi Stookey, an epidemiologist in San Francisco.” HYDRATION MIX FORMULA Here is a simple hydration mix you can make almost anywhere: In a 12-ounce glass of water add a pinch of salt, about a ¼ teaspoon. This mixture should taste like tears, so slightly salty. To this add about 1 teaspoon of sugar or any sweetener. Drink and notice how your thirst is relieved almost immediately. CASE IN POINT This is a simple mixture that I used to save my mother’s life, literally. I jumped into action as soon as I had arrived at her home on a late evening flight. My mother is a diabetic and was suffering from severe dehydration, due in part to some medications. She was feeling extremely thirsty and was drinking a lot of water which was further diluting all the minerals in her body. When I saw my mother, my heart sank into the bottom of my stomach, but I forced myself to maintain a joyful and positive attitude. My mother had signs of severe dehydration. She looked totally dried up and had these jerky, spastic movements, cracked lips, and ashy skin.I made sure that Mama drank approximately 64 ounces of my homemade hydration mixture each day to hasten her recovery. In addition, I started relating family stories that I know would be amusing to my mother. The saying “Laughter is the best medicine,” has been attributed to Henri Mondeville, a 1300s professor of surgery who used post-operative humor therapy to help his patients’ recovery. So next time you are dealing with a sick loved one, try injecting them with a little humor. Healing has a lot to do with our mental and emotional state. Although well-meaning, the last thing a sick person needs is your tears and mournful sighs. Instead, shower a sick person with love and cover him/her with hope and little laughter. Thankfully, Mama started to feel better immediately and by the third day, she was almost fully recovered. The spastic jerky movements were almost gone, and the excessive thirst, dry lips, and ashy skin were all gone. I sometimes become dehydrated from coffee or eating or traveling to a place with a high altitude. I recognize it as dehydration because my thirst is not relieved by drinking water, and my throat feels a bit dry. You already guessed! I drink a glass of sugar, salt, and water. This solution usually makes me feel more alert and takes away that excessive thirst. ABOUT DAMARIS NIGHTINGALE Damaris Nightingale is the founder of Scented Potions and Di Nightingale Perfume Elixirs. She has a passion and unusual ability to discover helpful and preventive solutions and natural remedies to help people feel alive while they are living. An herbalist and natural perfumer alchemist, Damaris is passionate about using natural aromatic materials to heal body, mind, and soul. She specializes in the sense of smell, and she is zealous about empowering men and women to know their personalized scent DNA. She’s known for being pulled aside and asked if she has a special anti-aging lotion, or if she could produce a special fragrance for a love interest or advice on how best to weather these times. If you stopped by her apothecary, tucked away in Hallandale, Florida, you would often find her in the lab mixing something heavenly—beautiful fragrances and silky textures. Her apothecary is that feminine blend of store front, social center, and 24-hour therapy session all rolled into one! All her skin care products, perfumes and health potions are beautifully handmade, 100% organic, and healthy. In everything she does, she works ardently to reduce her carbon footprint, making her products safe for humanity and the environment. For More details      Visit Here